Thursday morning
Good morning! I am updating from bed because I seem to have been hit by either a bad case of allergies or yucky cold. I am thankful that Gabe could take the morning off so that I could rest.
Zoey has been very busy lately. She has started to repeat everything we say and has been adding more and more words to her vocabulary each day. We visited up north a few weekends ago and she had no problems saying Bruce (grandpa Bruce) over and over. She is also putting two words together quite consistently- mama's toes, mama's nose, hot peas, bye bye balloon, baby's socks. When looking for something she will say- Where did it go? She still refers to herself as "baby." She knows her name, but doesn't say Zoey, she says Baby when asked her name. Yesterday we were coloring and I was spelling her name. I said Z and wrote Z and she finished up with the o, e, y (saying the letters). Wow! What a smartypants! She also walked up the front porch steps holding onto the railing yesterday all by herself. She just did it- I didn't even show her how.
I added some pictures yesterday of her playing outside.
Jameson went from referring to himself as baby to telling people his name was big boy. She is such a cutie Abbie! I hope you will be feeling better soon.
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