Sunday, December 17, 2006


As you can see from the pictures added this weekend, Zoey is enjoying Hannukah. She had a great time making cookies and eating them too! She opened a few gifts and last night got her TMX Elmo. She tried putting a shirt on him and shared her juice with him. She was very funny when she opened her presents, saying, "Oh.....!" She has also enjoyed picking the colors of the candles for the menorah and likes watching her dad light them.

As I write this, she is playing with her toys and talking to them. She likes pretending to paint everything- no paint- just paints everything with the brush. She is also playing with her window markers- putting them in Emma's dog bowl and then saying, "Where did they go?" Then she will look around, find them, and giggle to herself and put them back in the bag. You can often find her playing with a hat on- whether we are inside or out. She loves all of her hats- she has names for most of them- grammy hat, green hat, elmo hat, bucky hat.

She is sporting the typical toddler runny nose lately, I am wondering if her top incissors are finally going to pop through, or if she has just a runny nose cold. Of course she hates to have her nose wiped, but says, "Bless you!" when she sneezes.

We have had really nice weather here lately, so maybe we will take a trip to a park today.
That is all for now!


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