Saturday, September 03, 2005

A day of firsts!

Appearing hungry for something more than breastmilk, we decided to try to give Zoey some "solid" food today. I put solid in quotes because it was really mostly breastmilk mixed with a little rice cereal. She really liked it! After the initial wierdness, she would turn her head to take the next spoonful. She ate for about 10 minutes, and then was done. I can tell already that she is not going to be a picky eater!

In another first, Zoey watched her first football game with her dad! She had her Wisconsin outfit on as we watched the first quarter of Wisconsin-Bowling Green before she had had enough. It's tiring doing all those things for the first time!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Swim Lessons!

On Monday Zoey had her first swim lesson! Really, it is more of a water initiation type of class, but we had a lot of fun. She had her second class yesterday. She loves the water, both at bathtime and swim time. I think she may be wanting to get a head start now so she can take waterskiing later!

Zoey is holding herself up better every day. She can sit for 5-10 seconds at a time, and likes to do so. She likes standing even more, but she can't do that without assistance at this point.