Friday, August 04, 2006

new words and shoes

Here are some of the new words Zoey is saying:
doodle (noodle)
na (nose)

The other day, I wrote down her words and there are at least 50 now- but these are her newest words.

And for the shoes:
If you know me well enough to be reading this blog, then you know I have always had a love for shoes. I love shoes. I love looking at shoes. I love trying on shoes. I love buying shoes. Flip flops, heels, cloggs, athletic shoes, pumps, boots, you name it, I LOVE SHOES!!! My grandma used to tease me when I was little about how much I loved shoes. I don't know if this is an inherited trait, but Zoey seems to share in my joy of shoes. She likes to spend time trying on her friends' shoes when we have a play date. She also likes trying on both mine and Gabe's shoes. She brings us our shoes and demands that we put them on. She also looks at my shoes and says "Mama." She knows which shoes belong to my feet and which belong to Gabe's. So, we went shoe shopping today. She got three pairs of shoes, and she is now wearing a size 4. (If anyone is interested.) I know Gabe just loves this- but at least now Zoey is walking- so I can get away with feeling like she NEEDS them!!!!! Everyone needs a pair of ladybug sandals, right? And, I think every 16 month old has to have hiking boots! We live in the mountains for goodness sake!!!!

Tomorrow is Gabe's birthday. We have a fun day planned.......but I am not sure of all of the details yet. I will have to blog about that after it happens so that I don't reveal any surprises!

Friday night

It's Friday night and I am sitting on the couch. I have spent a lot of time today thinking about how proud I am of myself and Gabe for being such great parents to Zoey. I am so overwhelmed today by my happiness. When I look into my daughter's eyes, I see only an incredible child full of laughter, life, and unconditional love. I am still amazed each day at how much I love her. I never knew how much I could love someone, and how I could really ache to spend time with my child. Each and every day just gets better and better.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

4 day weekend

We had a great time at Camp Moondance farm over the weekend. We enjoyed 4 days of relaxation and enjoyed the pool. I have posted some pictures of the fun Zoey had with her dad swimming! She loves to push his head under the water and giggle giggle giggle. Now that I think about it, I don't think Zoey went anywhere the entire 4 days we were there. That must be explain why she stayed up the ENTIRE way home- not a moments shut eye- until we turned onto our street! We even left strategically for her nap, but no such thing happened. She was happy traveling and really did not complain other than a few whines here and there. She is such a trooper!

This morning we went to the Health Adventure. It is so hot out it really isn't fun to go the park. Then we went to get some lunch at Doc Chey's- Zoey really enjoyed the noodle bowl she had- she also gobbled the brocolli- but could do without the chicken. She is so funny- saying "doodle" as she eats.

That is all for now!