Saturday, September 10, 2005

Bananas today!

Today we will try giving Zoey some banana. I think she will love it. Mostly, she will love making a mess with it, probably. We are also going to go to the park, where Zoey loves to ride on the swing. I will get some pictures and post them to the picture blog later on.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Eating and Sleeping

Zoey continues to try solid food. She gets more on her face and bib than in her mouth, but she is eating the cereal. Tomorrow she will try avocado! Maybe she will like it enough to enjoy some tortilla chips and guacamole for the Packers' opener this weekend! After a few days of avocado, we will move on to banana.

Sleeping has become more difficult for Zoey lately. She is not very interested in morning naps these days. I try to tell her that I would LOVE to be able to sleep for an hour every morning at work, and that she should appreciate it while she can. At night, she goes to sleep with little effort, but gets up at least twice, usually three times throughout the night. It seems to be a pretty solid routine, so we are wondering when she will drop one or more of those wake-ups.

Tomorrow we will attend our third swim lesson, which Zoey continues to enjoy. We are going to work on turnarounds out of the laps, after which we will time her 50 meter individual medley times. It's never too early to prepare for the 2020 Olympic Games.